
What Causes Ankle Arthritis?

Ankle arthritis is not a disease in itself. It is the result of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis moving towards the ankle joints. When you think about it, you will find that your ankles support the full weight of your body when you are standing up. If we add to this the fact that the ankle is also responsible for movement, the patient can suffer a lot of pain. To make matters worse, the ankle joint rotates in all directions. This means that the cartilage of the ankle will deteriorate very quickly.

All ankle pain is not arthritis

Many times, pain in the foot and ankle area can be caused by problems other than ankle arthritis. For example, a large amount of lower leg pain can be attributed to lower back and hip problems. If you have a lot of pain in your ankles and feet, you should see your podiatrist Chattanooga . After examining it, you will be able to better assess what is causing your pain.

A simple blood test will tell your doctor if you have rheumatoid arthritis, which is a rarer form of the disease. If you are diagnosed with osteoarthritis, he may recommend that you take intense treatments for a long time, and perhaps even for life.

Many of us have suffered an ankle sprain at some point in our lives. It is an extremely painful condition, and while it may have a shorter recovery period than an actual breakup, it probably hurts more. Doctors have a standard prescription for an ankle sprain that they call “RICE.” Simply put, RICE stands for Rest, Ice Compression, and Elevation – the three steps you need to take to treat your sprained ankle.

There are a number of characteristics to look for that will increase the chance that you are dealing with ankle arthritis and not some other problem:

There is no good reason for the recurring pain.

Sudden swelling and stiffness in the ankle.

Pain relievers will not relieve pain or stiffness.

Pain in the big toe and toe turning to one side

Painful bunions that hurt without being touched
Ankle arthritis is treated based on the symptoms that occur and the stage of the disease. Standard and over-the-counter pain relievers should initially treat pain and swelling. However, as the disease progresses, your doctor may want to treat it more aggressively. After all, there is no cure for arthritis.

After trying other treatments, some people with chronic arthritis decide to try some form of alternative medicine. Although these herbal remedies and yoga techniques are not endorsed by doctors and the FDA, many patients have found them very helpful in stopping the progress and even improving arthritis symptoms.

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