

We all say, “MUMBAI – THE CITY OF DREAMS.” Mumbai is the Indian city which is believed to be the land of magic and where dreams are fulfilled. With over a population of 2 crores, Mumbai city has a life full of hustle. People get so busy in their daily life that they barely get time to look after their hair and scalp. Surveys have stated that people staying in Mumbai experience hair fall problems. Many are even diagnosed with diffused hair loss, hair thinning and other hair problems.

The major reasons of hair fall for people living in Mumbai are:

Climate – the humid weather of Mumbai leads to many hair problems. It not only adds frizziness but also leads to hair fall due to lacks of moisture and hydration.

Eating habits – with a busy lifestyle, the eating habits of many people differ. A diet poor in nutrients, minerals and vitamins lead to hair problems.

Pollution – with the highest concentration of PM10, Mumbai is one the cities with major pollution problems. Hair damage is quite obvious when it comes in contact with pollution. Therefore, hair care and hair treatments become a must when living in Mumbai.

Cosmoshine specializes in Hair Transplant and Cosmetic Surgery and is fast becoming a leading name in the field due to its services and proven results over time. It has come a long way in achieving its deserved place in the market and all the credit goes to Dr. Priyanka’s expertise and work ethic. Dr. Priyanka is an entrepreneur and the owner of Cosmoshine.

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What is Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is a process to regenerate hair with the help of patient’s own follicular grafts. These hair follicles are taken from the back side of the patient’s scalp which is known as the donor site. These follicular grafts are then transplanted in the balding region of the patient’s scalp, which is known as the recipient site. These hair grafts are baldness resistant, and the best for hair transplantation. Cosmoshine provide excellent services to all its customers experiencing hair loss by utilizing a risk-free hair transplant technique.

Cosmoshine – FUE Hair Transplant Procedure

FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction includes expelling sound hair follicles specifically from a donor zone on the scalp (generally at the back of the head where the hair is ample) and grafting them onto the uncovered or thinning areas.

The treatment is carried out in local rather than a general anaesthetic, wiping out dangers and downtime related to other hair transplant methodology. Furthermore, on the grounds that the treatment is negligibly intrusive, there is insignificant scarring practically imperceptible to the eye. At times, patients can come back to work the following day with their outcomes.

The technique utilizes a specific punch gadget, extending in width from 0.6mm – 0.9mm, to separate follicular units finish with fundamental glands. This isolates encompassing tissue from the unit, which means the least injury and better outcomes, and also the insignificant danger of any discernible scarring. Transplantation of all the fundamental components of every hair follicle implies a superior survival rate and better development. The treatment is performed under a powerful magnifying lens utilizing extraordinarily composed instruments, enabling the specialist to work with the highest accuracy for common looking, imperceptible outcomes.

Numerous patients stress over the outcomes, and in the past hair transplants once in a while looked natural. We have been culminating our FUE strategy in the course of recent years and we can accomplish regular outcomes with for all intents and purposes undetectable scars. Numerous patients are put off by the danger of being left with a long direct scar at the back of the hair following a FUT transplant and therefore an ever-increasing number of patients come to us for FUE.

With about 2 clinics all over Mumbai in all prime locations, we provide best hair transplant in Mumbai. The clinics are located in Andheri & Thane

 Contact us on +91-9867537772 or visit our website for booking appointments and details.

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