
Why hire in Poland

Poland has emerged as a leading location for companies looking to establish or expand their operations in Europe. The country offers a cost-effective, skilled and accessible workforce, as well as a supportive business environment, making it an attractive option for companies looking to tap into the European market. Here are a few reasons why companies choose to hire in Poland:

  1. Cost-Effective Labor: Poland offers a cost-effective labor market compared to many Western European countries, making it a more affordable location for companies looking to reduce their labor costs. This is particularly true for IT-related services such as software development and technical support.
  2. Skilled Workforce: Poland has a well-educated and highly skilled workforce, making it an attractive location for companies looking to hire employees with specific technical or linguistic skills. The country’s education system places a strong emphasis on STEM fields and foreign language proficiency.
  3. Proximity to Western Europe: Poland’s central European location makes it easily accessible to Western European countries, making it an ideal location for companies looking to expand their operations into the region. The country’s favorable time zone also enables easy collaboration with teams in other parts of Europe and beyond.
  4. Government Support: The Polish government actively supports foreign investment and offers a range of incentives and support to companies looking to establish operations in the country. This includes tax incentives, subsidies, and access to special economic zones, as well as support for employee hiring and training.

Recruitment Agency or EOR? – A PEO in Poland

The main difference between a recruitment agency and an EOR (Employer of Record) is the role they play in the hiring process.

  1. Recruitment Agency: A recruitment agency helps companies find and hire employees by identifying, screening and presenting suitable candidates for open positions. The agency typically handles the initial stages of the hiring process, such as advertising the job, screening resumes, and conducting initial interviews. The company ultimately makes the final hiring decision and becomes the direct employer of the candidate.
  2. EOR (Employer of Record): An EOR acts as the employer of record for workers and is responsible for employment-related administrative tasks, such as payroll, benefits, tax compliance and other HR-related duties. The EOR provides a flexible employment solution for companies looking to hire workers in a foreign country or establish a subsidiary in a new location. The EOR becomes the official employer of the workers and assumes legal and financial responsibilities, such as employment contracts, tax compliance, and benefits administration.

In summary, while a recruitment agency helps companies find and hire employees, an EOR takes on the administrative and legal responsibilities of employment, providing a more comprehensive solution for companies looking to expand their operations.

Benefits of Recruitment Agency or Employer of Record services

  1. Access to Talent Pool: Recruitment agencies have access to a large pool of qualified candidates and can help companies find the right employees for their needs. They have established networks and relationships with local universities, job fairs and other sources of talent, which allows them to quickly identify and screen candidates for open positions.
  2. Time and Cost Savings: Working with a recruitment agency can save companies time and money as they handle the initial stages of the hiring process, such as advertising the job, screening resumes, and conducting initial interviews. This can free up HR resources and allow companies to focus on their core business operations.
  3. Expertise and Market Knowledge: Recruitment agencies have extensive knowledge of the local labor market and can help companies navigate local laws, regulations, and cultural norms. They also have a deep understanding of different industries, job functions and salary trends, which allows them to provide valuable insights and guidance during the hiring process.
  4. Improved Hiring Results: Recruitment agencies use a systematic approach to the hiring process and can help companies make more informed hiring decisions by providing a shortlist of pre-screened, qualified candidates. This can lead to improved hiring results and a reduced risk of making a bad hire.
  5. Access to Specialized Talent: Recruitment agencies often specialize in specific industries or job functions, allowing them to have a deep understanding of the unique skills and qualities required for certain roles. This allows them to provide a more targeted and effective search for specialized talent.

Benefits of EOR

  1. Simplified Employment Process: An EOR provides a one-stop solution for employment-related administrative tasks, such as payroll, benefits, tax compliance, and other HR-related duties, allowing companies to simplify the employment process and focus on their core business operations.
  2. Reduced Compliance Risks: An EOR assumes responsibility for employment-related compliance, such as tax compliance, social security contributions, and local labor laws, reducing the risk of legal and financial penalties for companies operating in a foreign country.
  3. Flexible Employment Solutions: An EOR provides a flexible employment solution for companies looking to hire workers in a foreign country or establish a subsidiary in a new location. The EOR can quickly and efficiently provide employment contracts, benefits and other employment-related services, allowing companies to start operations quickly and effectively.
  4. Cost Savings: An EOR can provide cost savings by handling employment-related administrative tasks, such as payroll and benefits administration, reducing the need for companies to establish and maintain in-house HR departments.
  5. Improved Talent Attraction and Retention: By providing competitive employment benefits and a streamlined employment process, an EOR can help companies attract and retain top talent, improving the quality of their workforce and supporting their overall business success.


In conclusion, hiring in Poland presents numerous opportunities for companies looking to expand their operations. With a large pool of skilled talent, favorable labor laws, and a growing economy, Poland is a highly attractive location for companies looking to establish a presence in Europe.

Recruitment agencies and EORs play a vital role in the hiring process, offering access to talent, local market expertise, cost savings, and simplified employment processes. Whether you are a multinational corporation or a small startup, hiring in Poland can provide numerous benefits and support your company’s growth and success. By carefully considering your specific needs and partnering with a reputable recruitment agency or EOR, you can ensure a smooth and successful hiring process in Poland.

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